Electrical Engineering

Measurement Laboratory

The Electrical measurement laboratory provides the facilities to learn the application of instrumentation systems in electrical systems. In this lab, students are expected to get hands-on experience in using the basic measuring devices used in electrical engineering and in interpreting the results of measurement operations in terms of the concepts introduced in the electrical circuit’s course. This laboratory course is designed to familiarize the students with various measuring instruments and different transducers used for measurement of physical parameters. The lab is well equipped with various equipment like Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, watt meters, energy meters, analog and digital multimeters, voltmeters, ammeters, meggers, transducers etc.

Lab Experiments -

El-403: Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instrument–I Laboratory

Calibration of Ammeter by direct loading with standard one.
Calibration of Voltmeter by direct loading with standard one
Measurement resistance by Wheatstone bridge method.
Measurement of insulation resistance with megger.
Study of Anderson Bridge and find out unknown inductance.
Study of Maxwell Bridge and determining the unknown inductance.
Study of De-Sauty’s bridge and determination of unknown capacitance.

El-503: Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instrument–II Laboratory

Measurement of I- phase power and power factor by 3- ammeter method.
Measurement of I- phase and power factor by 3- voltmeter method.
Measurement of 3- phase power and power Factor by 2- wattmeter method.
Measurement of 3- phases power and power factor by 3- wattmeter method.
Calibration of analog energy meter and digital energy meter.
Calibration of C.R.O.
Use of analog and digital multimeter for measurement current, voltage and resistance.
Measurement of phase and frequency by C.R.O.
Measurement of displacement, pressure with the help of transducer.

Electrical Power Laboratory

The Electrical Power Laboratory aspires at familiarizing students with the practical aspects of distribution and utilization of power. The purpose of the laboratory is to develop the practical knowledge of the students in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power. Theoretical knowledge about a power system is integrated with experimental analysis and data interpretation to draw valid conclusions. The laboratory helps students identify, formulate and review the frequent problems that arise in a power station and reach substantiated conclusions using the theory learnt during their coursework. Machines utilized in this laboratory include transformers and alternators.
The experiments in this lab are designed so as to empower the students with the skill set necessary to supervise the functioning of a power system for safe operation.
The experiments in this course are intended to support the theory studied in EL 501: Electrical Power course.

List of experiments:

Open circuit test of a single phase transformer.
Short circuit test of a single phase transformer
Determination of voltage regulation and efficiency of a single phase transformer.
Polarity test of a single phase transformer.
Parallel operation of single phase transformer.
Calibration of current transformer and potential transformer.
Parallel operation of Shunt generator
Parallel operation of alternator set
Transformer oil test.
Study and connections of 3-phase transformer

Electrical Machines Laboratory

The Electrical Machines lab endeavors to supplement the theory studied in EL 404: Electrical Machines I and EL 504: Electrical Machines II with suitable experiments. This lab is designed to practically observe the characteristics of transformers, generators, motors and their applications. The experiments performed in the laboratory are designed so as to make the students understand about the theory and working of these machines.

List of the experiments

This lab is utilized for conducting the following experiments in the course(s):

EL 404: Electrical Machines I (Lab)

Study of 3 point and 4 point starter
Speed control of DC shunt motor by –
(a)Flux control (b) armature control method.
Swinburne test of a DC shunt motor to find efficiency.
Load Characteristics of DC Shunt motor.
Efficiency of DC motor –generator set
Open circuit characteristic of a DC shunt generator
Brake test of DC shunt motor
Determination of Transformation ratio of single phase transformer
Polarity test of a single phase transfer
Open circuit and short circuit test of single phase transformer and determination of efficiency and regulation.

EL 504: Electrical Machines II (Lab)

Study of starter of 3-phase induction motor
Study of resistance starter and starting of slip ring induction motor
Determination of efficiency by no-load test and blocked rotor test on an induction motor.
Slip –torque characteristic of 3-phase induction motor
Measurement of slip of a 3 phase induction motor.
Study of capacitor start single phase induction motor and calculation of starting and running current.
Study and starting of universal motor
Determination of the regulation and efficiency of alternator from the open circuit and short circuit test.
Determination of the magnetization curve of an alternator at rated speed and half rated speed.
Study and starting of a 3-phase synchronous motor.

Electrical Circuit And Network Laboratory

The Electrical Circuit and Network Laboratory attempts at introducing the students to the basic electrical circuits and to develop circuit construction skill. The laboratory employs diverse electrical circuit elements to enhance the basic knowledge in electrical engineering. This lab is well equipped with various equipment like digital multi meters, voltmeters, ammeters etc. that are utilized in the design and implementation of basic electrical and electronic circuits. Experiments performed in the lab encompass hardware design and implementation of different electrical circuits, verification of different network theorems, testing and analysis of electrical equipment etc.

Lab Experiments

El-301: Principle of Electrical Engineering Lab

Verification of Ohm’s law
Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws.
Testing of fuse and find out the fusing constant.
Study of the voltage-current relationship in an R-L series AC circuit and to deduce the power factor of the circuit.
Study of the voltage-current relationship in an R-C series AC circuit and as certain the factor of the circuit.
Study of the voltage-current relationship in an R-L-C series AC circuit and to determine the power factor of the circuit.

El-401: Electrical Circuit and Network Lab:

Verification of Kirchhoff’s Laws.
Verification of Super-position theorem.
Verification of Thevenin’s theorem.
Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem.
Verification of Reciprocity theorem.
Study of AC parallel circuit
To find out resonance frequency in an RLC circuit.