Civil Engineering

Surveying Laboratory

Surveying is the means of determining the relative position of points and the relative distances. It is an integral part of Civil Engineering education and training. Surveying of an area is essential for the design of all civil engineering projects such as highways, bridges, railways, water supply, sewage disposal, reservoirs and dams, building constructions, transmission tower, irrigation canal etc. The objectives of surveying may vary depending on the type of projects and requirements. The economic feasibility of the engineering projects cannot be properly ascertained without undertaking a survey work.

Lab Objectives

To determine the relative position of any objects or points of the earth.
To determine the distance and angle between different objects.
To prepare a map or plan to represent an area on a horizontal plan.
To develop methods through the knowledge of modern science and the technology and use them in the field.
To solve measurement problems in an optimal way.

The Surveying Laboratory is equipped with the following instruments/equipment

Total Station
Auto/Digital level
Vernier Theodolite
Prismatic Compass
Plane Table
Telescopic staff
Tripod, Alidade, Plumbing Fork, Spirit level, Trough Compass, U -Frame
Line Ranger, Optical square/Cross staff
Metric Chain, Plumb bob, Arrows, Ranging Rod

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory intends to train the students in the field of testing of soils to determine their physical, index and engineering properties. The main objectives of the Geotechnical Engineering laboratory is to carry out all soil mechanics fundamental experiments according to standards, analyse them and interpret experimental data. This lab helps the students to understand the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practices. Moreover this lab will empower the students in the planning and execution of infrastructural and developmental activities.

List of experiments:

Determination of water content of given soil sample by oven drying method as per IS code
Determination of bulk unit weight dry unit weight of soil in field core cutter method as per IS Code
Determination of bulk unit weight dry unit weight of soil field by sand replacement method as per IS Code
Determination of Liquid limit & Plastic limit of given soil sample as per IS Code
Determination of grain size distribution of given soil sample by mechanical sieve analysis as per IS Code
Determination of coefficient of permeability by constant head test
Determination of MDD & OMC by standard proctor test on given soil sample as per IS Code.
Determination of CBR value of given soil sample
Determination of shear strength of soil using unconfined compressive strength
Determination of shear strength of soil using tri-axial shear test.

Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Laboratory

This lab is designed to give students hands-on experience with fluid flows in Civil Engineering. It involves study of various properties of fluids such as velocity, pressure, density and temperature, as functions of space and time. The lab is equipped with different flow measuring set-ups such as venturimeter, orifice-plate, pitot tube etc. where students can visualize the basic theory of working of the flow meter. The lab also has Reynold’s apparatus, free-forces vortices setup, flow over open channel and impact of jet setup, where students can fortify there theoretical knowledge.

List of Equipments

Hydraulic Bench
Impact Of Jet
Losses due to friction in pipe lines
Methods of flow measurement
Losses due to pipe fittings, sudden enlargement and contraction
Bernoulli’s Theorem
Reynold’s apparatus
Discharge over notches

Building Materials Laboratory

This laboratory is meant to supplement the students’ understanding of the basic properties of building materials. The laboratory is well equipped to cater the academic and research requirements. It offers facilities for testing building materials, their strength, behavior and suitability for various applications in construction work. This lab helps students to be familiar with various test procedures and its significance on building materials such as coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, bricks, cement, steel etc. It facilitates learning of various properties of building material such as toughness, hardness, compressive strength, tensile strength, etc. Students will have exposure to practical applications including writing of a technical report related to each experiment. Thus, a hands-on exposure to these tests helps the students with better confidence and assessment skills.

Some of the instruments in the laboratory are:-

Universal Testing Machine
Compression testing machine
Aggregate Impact test apparatus
Compaction factor apparatus
Vicat apparatus
Le-Chatelier Apparatus
Cement Autoclave

Transportation Engineering Laboratory

Our Transportation Engineering Laboratory is well equipped with many modern tools and equipment related to Transportation Engineering work.  The laboratory sets up a great platform for the students to learn the use of these tools and equipment. Moreover, hands-on training is given to the students, so that they can apply this knowledge in the real world field in the near future. The laboratory also provides an opportunity for research to the students as well as the faculties of the institution and also to some outside organizations.

Our Transportation Engineering Laboratory includes the following equipment :

Aggregate crushing value apparatus
Aggregate Impact Tester
Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine
Flakiness Sieve Set
Automatic Marshall Stability Test Machine
Pavement Core Drilling Machine
Ductility Testing Apparatus
Standard Penetrometer
Ring and Ball Apparatus